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Lumbar Strain | Long Term Disability Claim Tips

Written by S. Riemer | Dec 15, 2014

Lumbar strain: sprains, pain and other soft tissue injuries that can cause disability

Lumbar strain is a term that can refer to a broad array of problems affecting the lower back. It may be the result of conditions, such as arthritis, or it could be any ailment affecting the lower back that doesn't have a medically identifiable cause. Regardless of the cause, pain and discomfort in your lower back can be debilitating and may qualify you to apply for disability benefits. 

Work-related or not, lumbar injuries affect almost everybody at some point in life. Whether you improperly lifted a heavy box or fell off of a ladder, back injuries are common. A strained lumbar might also develop incrementally over a long period of time or be a factor in more serious lumbar conditions. Whether the strain is chronic or acute, experienced New York long term disability attorneys can evaluate a possible disability claim and help you file for the disability benefits you may be entitled to.

Back problems that may be related to a strained lumbar

The concept of lumbar strain is very amorphous and there are many associated health problems that can cause strain or make it worse. Some of these include:

  • Degenerative disk disease: the slow breakdown of vertebral disks that can lead to pain and discomfort.
  • Arachnoiditis: inflammation of the arachnoid tissue surrounding the spinal cord. This can be caused by an infection, surgery or chemicals used in medical imaging. Doctors believe that the contrast solution used for MRIs and CT scans may be a primary cause of arachnoiditis.
  • Osteomyelitis: infections of the bone tissue that forms the vertebrae.
  • Osteoporosis: weakening and disintegration of the bones in the spine because of calcium deficiency or other bone loss.
  • Spondolylisthesis: slippage of vertebrae out of their normal alignment.
  • Osteoarthritis: arthritis in the spine caused by a breakdown of bony tissue and rubbing or chafing between bones as a result of osteoporosis or other bone diseases.
  • Pre-existing scoliosis: abnormal curvature of the spine may be related to weakened or strained muscles, ligaments or tendons. This may cause a predisposition to lumbar strain.

Is a strain the same as a sprain?

In most cases, the symptoms of a strain will be quite similar to those of a sprain. In a more technical sense, a strain usually refers to stretching, tearing or pulling of a muscle or tendon.  On the other hand, sprains refer to tearing or other damage to a ligament. There are tendons, muscles and ligaments in the lower back. The pain you are experiencing may be a sprain, a strain or both.

Long term effects of lumbar strain

Most cases of lumbar strain will be resolved in two to three weeks. As long as you take proper precautions and do not aggravate the injury, strained muscles and ligaments will generally heal on their own without extensive medical intervention. Chiropractic treatment, acupuncture and physical therapy may also help to alleviate symptoms and speed your recovery. The most common treatment is alternating hot and cold packs, over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medication as well as a few days of rest.

It is usually best to try and return to normal activities within a few days of the injury.  Being sedentary for a long period of time may cause weight gain and muscle atrophy that could make future lumbar injuries more severe.  If you are still having issues after several weeks of reasonable care, it is time to consult with our New York long term disability attorneys.

Absent other associated diseases or complications, it is unlikely that you would qualify for full or permanent disability benefits based on strain alone.  Your lawyer can evaluate your prospects for disability benefits based on the injury's severity.  At Riemer Hess, our New York long term disability attorneys have years of experience.  Call us at (212) 297-0700 for a disability consultation.