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Client Connect Newsletter - April 2024

April Final

Balancing Life with Legal Challenges 

April is about finding the right balance between our personal lives and the legal aspects of long term disability claims. It's crucial to maintain a healthy equilibrium to ensure your overall well-being.  At Riemer Hess, we understand the importance of this balance and are here to support you in achieving it.

To ensure that everyone can access our newsletter, we've made it available in an online format equipped with an accessibility widget. This allows you to customize your reading experience according to your needs. Access the newsletter online by clicking here. 


 Celebrating Balance in Adversity 

 Our "Resilience Spotlight" is not just an award—it's a recognition of the remarkable courage demonstrated by members of our community. Each story highlights resilience and the remarkable strength of the human spirit.

This month, we focus on the challenge of maintaining balance in tough times. We highlight a client who has masterfully balanced her personal life with the complexities of her disability claim.

This Month's Inspiration: Mina (anonymous) 

We are privileged to honor “Mina” in our Brave Client Spotlight. Mina is not only a highly accomplished surgeon and professor but also a shining example of resilience and grace amid adversity. Mina's journey with us began when she sought our assistance at Riemer Hess to navigate her long term disability benefits, following her devastating diagnosis of stage four lung cancer. Despite the gravity of her situation, she remained committed to her professional duties and found a balance in achieving her personal goals, including pursuing a PhD and volunteering opportunities.

Throughout her treatment and challenges, Mina's primary concern has been to secure her family’s financial future. Her unwavering dedication to her profession and her focus on her family’s well-being illustrate her extraordinary character and perseverance. Even in the face of terminal illness, she continues to inspire everyone around her with her kindness and positivity.

We've been working with Mina for quite some time and we've had the privilege of assisting her with a change in definition. We've also helped file an appeal to ensure that the insurer upheld the terms of her policy and to protect her continued benefits. 

Throughout her interactions, Mina's genuine warmth and graciousness have touched the lives of those around her. She remains a beacon of kindness and a testament to the human spirit’s strength. Her commitment to excellence and her ability to handle every aspect of her situation with diligence and resolve are truly commendable.

In celebrating Mina with this spotlight, we not only applaud her professional achievements but also her indomitable spirit and exceptional personal qualities. Mina reminds us that it is possible to face adversity with courage and compassion, and her legacy will undoubtedly inspire others to do the same. 


A Community of Shared Experiences

In "Peer Perspectives," we believe in the power of shared experiences. Hearing from others who are walking a similar path can be incredibly validating and comforting. It's not just about sharing advice; it's about building a community of understanding and support.

Your stories and insights offer real-life perspectives about the disability process that can inspire and guide others in similar situations. By sharing your experiences, you contribute to a collective wisdom that enriches our entire community.

April Insights: Finding Balance 

This month, we focus on managing your own symptoms and health challenges while also attending to the needs of your family or loved ones. We asked for your strategies and experiences in maintaining this crucial balance.

Q: How do you balance your health management with the demands of your disability claim? What specific strategies have helped you? 

    • "Initially, it is difficult. Visits, medications, and the need to respond promptly to adjuster demands are challenging. You definitely need to compartmentalize the requirements." - Anonymous

    • "Setting aside specific times for legal matters helps me focus on my health, family, and personal interests without overlap. Regular doctor visits and treatment can be exhausting so it's important to give myself the necessary time to recover and not be overwhelmed." - Anonymous

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Strategies for Balancing Life and Legal Challenges

Balancing the demands of a long-term disability claim with personal life requires strategy and mindfulness. It's essential to have a strategy to help you stay organized and prioritize your responsibilities.

Here are a few tips: 

  • Set Clear Boundaries: Allocate specific times for dealing with legal matters and personal time to prevent overlap and stress.

  • Seek Support: Don't hesitate to rely on friends, family, or support groups for emotional and practical support.

  • Stay Organized: Keep your legal documents and medical records well-organized to make the process less overwhelming.

  • Take Time for Yourself: Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, away from the pressures of your legal challenges.

  • Communicate with Your Legal Team: Keep open lines of communication with your attorney to stay informed and ease anxieties.

  • Prioritize Health: Remember, taking care of your physical and mental health is paramount, even amidst legal battles.

Implementing these strategies can help create a more balanced and less stressful experience during your disability claim process. 


Finding Balance Amidst Life's Challenges

For April, as we focus on the theme "Finding Balance," it's important to find resources that help manage the delicate equilibrium between personal well-being and the challenges of long-term disability claims. This month, we recommend a book that provides insight and guidance for maintaining balance in life, especially during trying times.

Full Catastrophe Living Book Cover

"Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness"
By: Jon Kabat-Zinn

About the Book: "Full Catastrophe Living" by Jon Kabat-Zinn explores the use of mindfulness meditation as a practical approach to managing stress, pain, and illness. Kabat-Zinn, the founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, presents mindfulness as a tool for transforming one's relationship with challenging experiences. The book offers practical advice on using mindfulness to cultivate an inner balance, regardless of external circumstances.

Why It’s Relevant: For clients dealing with long term disability claims, maintaining balance can be particularly challenging due to the stress and uncertainty these claims often bring. "Full Catastrophe Living" is especially relevant as it provides techniques for managing stress, pain, and the emotional toll of living with a disability. It's a valuable resource for those seeking to cultivate mental and emotional balance in the midst of their challenges.

Why You Might Find It Inspiring: This book is more than just a guide to mindfulness; it's a compass for finding peace and balance in the midst of life’s full catastrophe. It empowers readers to embrace their circumstances with a new perspective and find serenity in the present moment. For anyone navigating the complexities of disability and health challenges, "Full Catastrophe Living" offers a path to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Let "Full Catastrophe Living" guide you toward balance this April, providing tools to manage stress and embrace life's challenges with mindfulness and resilience.


May: "Prioritizing Mental Health"

Riemer Hess wants to know:  What specific practices do you recommend for maintaining mental health during stressful times, especially during the disability claims process?

Share your insights anonymously by clicking the Microsoft forms link below.


Embracing Balance in Life and Law 

This April, we encourage embracing the balance between personal life and legal matters. Remember, Riemer Hess is here to support you in finding and maintaining this balance.

Looking Ahead to May

Our May issue will explore the theme of "Prioritizing Mental Health". We're eager to include your insights and experiences.

Additional Notes

  • Our newsletter is tailored for easy reading in all formats, including an accessible online version.
  • Your feedback is essential for us to continually improve.
  • We uphold the highest standards of confidentiality and privacy.

This update highlights our recent successes and ongoing efforts in advocating for our clients. As always, we encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns about the Firm or your claim. We are here to help.

This content does not constitute legal advice, nor should it be used as a substitute for consultation with a qualified attorney.  Always consult with a long term disability attorney for guidance.

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10 Step Guide to Managing Your Disability Claim.

Learn how to manage your long-term disability claim in this easy to follow 10-step guide.

Don’t want to face the insurer alone?  Give us your phone number.  We’ll contact you and provide an expert assessment of your claim.