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Welcome!  The Info Library is an internet-based resource that addresses in one place your questions and concerns about disability benefits, disability insurers, your illness, your occupation, and filing a claim, appeal or litigation.  In other words, a "Wikipedia" for disability claims.  If you would like to automatically receive new posts, please subscribe below.



Category: Illnesses - Kidney

Kidney/Renal Disease and Long Term Disability: What You Need to Know


Kidney and renal disease can cause serious and severe symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, swelling, and high blood pressure.  In some cases, these symptoms may become so severe that they interfere with your ability to work and perform daily activities.  If you are suffering from kidney or renal disease and find yourself unable to work because of it, you may be eligible for long term disability (“LTD”) benefits through your employer-sponsored or individual insurance policy.

However, applying for and receiving LTD benefits is not a simple or straightforward process.  There are many factors that determine whether you qualify for benefits and how long you can receive them.  Below, we’ll explain what you need to know about kidney and renal disease and long term disability, including how an experienced ERISA attorney can help you successfully secure the benefits you deserve.

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