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Welcome!  The Info Library is an internet-based resource that addresses in one place your questions and concerns about disability benefits, disability insurers, your illness, your occupation, and filing a claim, appeal or litigation.  In other words, a "Wikipedia" for disability claims.  If you would like to automatically receive new posts, please subscribe below.



Category: Illnesses - Tinnitus

Long Term Disability for Hearing Loss: What You Need to Know

Tinnitus Hearing Impairment Meniere's Disease

Hearing loss can be a life-altering condition that deeply impacts your life and ability to work, often in ways that are not immediately visible.  If you experience hearing impairment, securing long term disability (“LTD”) benefits can be essential for financial stability when your condition makes it difficult—or even impossible—to continue working.  However, navigating an LTD claim for hearing loss can be challenging, as insurers frequently question the severity of the impairment, the effectiveness of assistive devices, and your ability to adapt to other types of work.

Below we’ll explore common obstacles that those with hearing loss face when seeking LTD benefits and strategies to overcome these insurer denial tactics.  Whether you’re preparing to file an LTD claim or are in the process of appealing a denial, understanding these common challenges and solutions can increase your chances of securing the disability benefits you’re entitled to.

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Acoustic Neuroma | Long Term Disability Claim Tips

Tinnitus Illnesses Hearing Impairment Acoustic Neuroma

Acoustic neuroma (also known as vestibular schwannoma) is a benign tumor found on the vestibular nerve, which leads to your brain from your inner ear.  Since the vestibular nerve helps control your balance and hearing, the pressure caused by an acoustic neuroma can cause significant hearing loss, ringing (tinnitus), dizziness, and balance issues.  Many who suffer from an acoustic neuroma find they can no longer work as a result of their symptoms.

Here’s what you need to know before filing your long term disability claim for an acoustic neuroma.

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Is Tinnitus A Disability? | Long Term Disability Tips for Tinnitus

Tinnitus Illnesses

Tinnitus is characterized by noises in the ear(s), such as ringing, buzzing, clicking or hissing. The condition is often accompanied by hearing loss and/or other ear, throat and nose issues. 

Is Tinnitus A Disability?

Yes.  Tinnitus can incapacitate you from work, leading to disability.  Even with treatment and therapeutic management, tinnitus can cause debilitating limitations.  Whether or not you qualify for long term disability benefits due to your tinnitus will depend on the severity of your symptoms and how they impact your ability to work.

There are several things you need to know before filing your long term disability claim for tinnitus.

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