Info Library

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The Info Library

Welcome!  The Info Library is an internet-based resource that addresses in one place your questions and concerns about disability benefits, disability insurers, your illness, your occupation, and filing a claim, appeal or litigation.  In other words, a "Wikipedia" for disability claims.  If you would like to automatically receive new posts, please subscribe below.



Category: News

Announcement: TBI Article Featured in American Association for Justice Trial Magazine July 2024 Issue

Litigation ERISA News

Exciting Publication Announcement: Riemer Hess Partner Jennifer Hess's TBI Article featured in AAJ Trial Magazine July Issue


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Riemer Hess Quarterly Report: 2024 Q1


Welcome to the Riemer Hess Quarterly Report. This newsletter is intended to cover the Firm’s most relevant highlights of 2024 Q1. Below you’ll find news updates, recent educational outreach performed by the firm, client success stories, and a litigation roundup from this quarter.

To ensure that everyone can access our newsletter, we've made it available in an online format equipped with an accessibility widget. This allows you to customize your reading experience according to your needs. Access the newsletter online by clicking here.

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Announcement: ABA Journal Publishes Riemer Hess LLC Article on ERISA Disability Claims Regulations

Litigation ERISA News

Announcement: ABA Journal Publishes Riemer Hess LLC Article on ERISA Disability Claims Regulations 

We are pleased to share that Partner Jennifer L.  Hess and Associate Ryan J.  McIntyre of Riemer Hess LLC have authored an important article in the American Bar Association’s Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Law Journal.  The piece, titled “Assessing the 2018 ERISA Long-Term Disability Claims Regulations: Five Years Later,” provides a critical analysis of the major regulatory changes made in 2018 under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). 

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Riemer Hess Quarterly Report: 2023 Q4


Welcome to the Riemer Hess Quarterly Report. This report is intended to cover the Firm’s most relevant highlights of 2023 Q4. Below you’ll find news updates, recent educational outreach performed by the firm, and client success stories from this quarter.

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Riemer Hess Quarterly Report: 2023 Q3


We’re excited to introduce the new Riemer Hess Quarterly Report. This report is intended to cover the Firm’s most relevant highlights of 2023 Q3. Below you’ll find news updates, recent educational outreach performed by the firm, and client success stories from this quarter.

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