Info Library

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Welcome!  The Info Library is an internet-based resource that addresses in one place your questions and concerns about disability benefits, disability insurers, your illness, your occupation, and filing a claim, appeal or litigation.  In other words, a "Wikipedia" for disability claims.  If you would like to automatically receive new posts, please subscribe below.



Category: Litigation - Settlement

Riemer Hess Obtains Major Victory Against Unum in New York Long Term Disability Lawsuit

Litigation Mediation Settlement


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10 Benefits of Mediating Your Long Term Disability Lawsuit

Litigation Mediation Settlement

The court may require you to participate in some form of mediation during your long term disability lawsuit, depending on where your case is located.  Even if you aren’t required to mediate, your attorney may still recommend mediation because of its potential benefits for you.  Knowing the benefits and opportunities mediation presents will help you understand what to expect and whether mediation is right for your long term disability lawsuit.

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leave work protected nyc long term disability attorney

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