
Rheumatoid Arthritis Ravages Television Producer

Disability Wiki.

“Danielle” was a producer at a television station.  As a producer, Danielle was required to fly around the world at a moment’s notice and had to meet impossible deadlines. Unfortunately, she had been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for many years.  Eventually, the pain and fatigue took its toll and Danielle could no longer handle the rigors of the job.

Close up Thoughtful Pretty Young Woman Resting on the Couch in the Living Room..jpegWhen Danielle contacted Riemer Hess, we worked with her to devise an exit strategy from work and helped her complete the insurance company’s application forms.

Benefits were granted by the insurance company. Periodically, the insurance company has requested that Danielle complete update forms and attend interviews. The Firm has assisted Danielle every step of the way. Riemer Hess continues to work with Danielle to ensure that her benefits are not interrupted.

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